User guide |
Whilst the layouts in this toolbox do not integrate into the
MATLAB Graphical User Interface Design Environment (GUIDE
), it
is possible to insert layouts into a GUIDE-built GUI as follows:
Create you GUIDE application as usual, placing a panel where you want to insert the layout. You can turn the panel border and title off if you do not want them.
Edit the "OpeningFcn" in the GUIDE-created code and insert your
layout into the panel, making it fill the space. In the example below
four boxpanels are inserted into a grid, which itself is placed inside
% --- Executes just before guideApp is made visible.
guideApp_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)% Choose default command line output for guideApp
handles.output = hObject;% Update handles structure
guidata(hObject, handles);% Put a layout in the panel
g =uix.GridFlex
, handles.uipanel1, ...'Units'
, [0 0 1 1], ...'Spacing'
, 5 );uix.BoxPanel
, g,'Title'
,'Panel 1'
, g,'Title'
,'Panel 2'
, g,'Title'
,'Panel 3'
, g,'Title'
,'Panel 4'
); g.Heights = [-1 -1];
(Full source code for this application is available here: [ view | edit | run ] )
Dock and undock | [Top] | Deploying GUIs using the MATLAB Compiler |